article or your website?
There are a few areas of difficulty in writing and creating your publications. These areas are in the preparation and organization of the subject matter. Additionally, the actual putting together of all the elements for the entire and accomplished product can be challenging.
To overcome the 'involvedness' in writing content for publications there are uncomplicated steps to follow which can simplify the ebook authoring and self-publishing project.
When attempting any project, the most effective and non-complex approach is to manage your ideas, thoughts and plan of development in steps. Begin with small steps and over the course of a manageable undertaking, you can take bigger steps (strides) to complete your writing and publishing projects.
A step-by-step preparation and process can make your writing endeavors a breeze and remove all difficulty.
Becoming organized is first and foremost in achieving all goals that one sets out to accomplish successfully.. It is the same for writing your publications.
Is organizing your thoughts a bit difficult?
Most people and aspiring writers will feel overwhelmed with a total picture set before them. Therefore, when envisioning the image of your thoughts, it is advisable to slice the entire picture into pieces of a puzzle.
Once you have the idea in your mind of the writing you would like to complete, take a mental image of the last page. Compare a last page to driving through a tunnel and in the far off view you can see the tunnel end opening. There is always light at the end of a tunnel.
You can then work your way back on your tunnel drive making mental notes and documenting specific comments of what you see, feel, learn, experience, enjoy, dislike, and find valuable enough to record on the topic of issue.
This is one style of approach. There are others. In fact, there are many. In this article, I will discuss the organization and preparedness methods.
Each one of the notes and comments will become the pieces to a puzzle that you can organize and position into one complete ebook, or blog, article, etc. and or website product.
If you are writing a story where you don't quite have the ending tunnel open view. What then?
You should attempt to conjure up and or create all steps from start to the end page, and process the same organizing methods to complete your objective goal.
Along the way in writing your product, you will undergo the continuing development of your creation.
Expecting to sit down and complete a creative product such as an ebook, article or commentary in its final published product all at one sitting, is a difficult project to develop. I know of none who can achieve such remarkable publishing accomplishments.
Therefore, by creating a list or notes including your comments prior to beginning your project will be in essence the pieces to your puzzle. Once your project is begun, you simply put the pieces into their perspective position which then completes a final product for publishing.
There are some basic writing steps in the very beginning you can follow such as creating and making notes on what title your product will be named. Even if you change your ebook's name a few times through its completion, creating a starting title will help to organize, guide and
command your progress much easier. It is very advantageous to start your writing with a few titles that are likable to you. Eventually, you will find one or more of your titles chosen to be the best one.
A name title when you first begin writing will also assist to direct focus on your subject matter and topic of issue.
Once you have documented your comments on a topic, you can piece those notes into complete statements and paragraphs. This will provide clear mind vision into your main subject and your intentional purpose of your content whether it be fiction, non-fiction, educational, or simply reporting on issues or factual data such as recipes.
It is necessary to maintain your focus throughout your content if you would like your writing to flow smoothly from chapter to chapter.
Each writer has a particular style in presenting a variety of content. Therefore you might find it beneficial to skip from A specific issue and or experience when either writing a story or educating your reader on a special subject matter.
For example, you may find when writing a 'How To Guide', you could discuss the basis in the middle chapters after a description of what your overall subject or project is about. Many times a reader can be presented with the 'How To' steps of the 'Guide' immediately following an 'Introduction' and finalizing the ebook. Blog, or Article with the actual foundation to the topic and your content.
Readers some times are anxious to dive, or jump right into the project. They are eager to act upon rather than to learn the basics (foundation) first. I have to admit, I my self am much the same way.
Therefore, in many of my (How To) Products, I provide the foundation of the subject to the learning in the subsequent chapters and or sections to the actual step-by-step instructions. My experience and feedback from readers of 'How To Guides' is they simply skip the less interesting sections and jump into the action lessons. The important basics and or details are not of
interest to some learners until they have some incite and in depth experience with the external project.
Some readers will find it easier to review the actual project preparedness included in an appendix or section of its own as a reference excluding any theory to their overall project completion.
The best approach in an attempt to encourage information of this type (the boring stuff) to be read is to offer the content in a useful and relevant presentation. It could require you implement audio, imagery and or video.
Additionally, you can include content that reaches out to seize your readers' attention. Include questions and answer them in paragraph style. This helps to define the significant issue or steps discussed in either the prior or following step-by-step instructions.
Where do those subjects, topics and information to write about come from?
I write to make a positive difference in my readers' actions and their experience. I research to find the niche that will be of interest to a particular audience and then I research the subject throughly. My purpose in publishing subject matter is to offer benefits and education on topics of concern and interest to specialized groups and niches. I maintain this intent throughout my writing project to stay focused on the subject topic and its credibility.
I believe any aspiring or current author should provide the best value for their readers excluding consideration to compensation or price of the product.
My reasons for writing and publishing subject matter is first to provide communication and next substance with significance. Writing for reputation and for business purposes only, leaves me with 'writers block'.
When I stay focused on my interests and the concerns of others including my desire to provide the subject topic for others to benefit from the communication and publications, more thoughts and ideas flow easily and quickly. I, also, believe this can be advantageous to others who might be at a loss for words at times.
Set goals for your product promotion.
I promote most of my products keeping in mind a value and consideration for compensation. I set up different programs for different products. I offer affiliate, resale rights and non-reseller programs depending upon the style and type of the product. The promotion I consider is based upon if the published product is for sale or provided for free as a marketing tool.
All the above considerations and methods gathered help to remove complexities and stumbling blocks when writing, creating, publishing and selling your ebook, article, blog and digital products you author.
Another area of some difficulty is 'Writers Block'. However, this is a subject and topic that should be discussed in a separate commentary.
I will conclude with the suggestion that you set your organizational plan in motion prior to sitting down to write your material. Being lost for words is expected, however with a note or comment a quick glance away, you will have continued and refreshed content to complete your sentences, thoughts and paragraphs. This will become 'a breeze' as you continue to write and publish your digital products.
To Be Continued.
Kindest Regards, B. Robert